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Red Dwarf ASU Rules | |
1. | There is only one rigid rule and this is it. Do not post anything on the DL or in chat, which may be viewed as offensive. I.e. do not use profanities (you can use symbols to suggest them only e.g. &*$£&) in a multicultural environment it is easy to offend without intending to, often simply because of misinterpretation. In these instances you must apologize even if you do not feel you have done anything wrong. The unit will defend all of its members at all times if they are subjected to abuse or if apologies are not accepted. |
The remaining rules are intended as guidelines to appropriate behavior and to help ensure that the first rule is not broken. | |
2. | No sex on the dl, kissing and cuddling is fine and will tolerate warm embraces and passionate kisses. Any more than this should be done through comms (though be warned that recipients have the option to send comms to the SGC) or privately through Yahoo! Messenger or ICQ. |
3. | No suggestions of use of illegal substances. Alcohol is allowed though I expect immediate sobering up during official occasions such as promotions. I would prefer drinking to be in moderation, as I am not keen on our unit being viewed as full of alcoholics. |
4. | Show respect for all other SGC members, teams and units at all times. If the DL is called to attention or you come on and see others at attention then I expect you to come to attention immediately and to keep posts to a minimum until after the ceremony. |
5. | All RD ASU members are expected to report for duty at least once on each separate day that they are online. The last date on active duty listed in user profiles is only updated if you RFD so doing this is invaluable for us. It also gets our unit's name on the DL more frequently and thus aids passive recruitment. Bear in mind the more peeps in the unit the more we can do in regards to missions etc. And if the SGC goes down the more peeps in our clubs the better so that we can have fun chatting within them whilst waiting for the lock down to be lifted. |
6. | I do not enforce membership of the clubs for those who cannot join or who have strong personal feelings against yahoo! Though a comm from such people explaining their reasons would be appreciated. However in order to efficiently organise a large unit Yahoo! Clubs are an invaluable tool so I ask that all who can do join. |
7. | No pressure tactics in trying to recruit personnel. Inform them on what we have to offer by all means but it is better to offer general help and advice and then and only then give all the info. A good way to attract people in is to discuss with other members upcoming activities on the dl (e.g. are you going to our rpg mission tonight? Can you make it to our next party?). This will often incite questions from others in SGC which gives a legitimate reason to discuss what we offer at length on the dl and all viewing these posts will be informed of them without felling pressured. |
8. | I strongly encourage all of our members to leave their doors open for comms from all other members. I am starting a new wing in the unit (grey shadow wing) so that if you don't want to receive any uninvited comms you should join this wing and no other. (i.e. put grey shadow wing or gsw after your sgc id's name). This will allow others to know your wishes and prevent anyone being offended. |
9. | Finally avoid fighting on the dl. RRG fights are tolerated but if asked to cease then do so immediately. Do not state this is the best or that is the best as this can cause offence. Instead use terms like this is good or that is fun and I am enjoying being part of RD ASU as examples. Similarly do not put others down even if they put you or us down, two wrongs do not make it right. Instead reply by saying that well I think our unit is good and tell them what we do. If they are still putting you down or making it into an argument then either take it to comms or better still ignore them or even put them on block. |
Base Commander MarTooth_LinDish Commanding Officer Red Dwarf Air Support Unit |