
Join the Red Dwarf ASU Roster
To be added to the RD ASU roster, simply fill out the form below. All fields, except the password, will be available for other RD ASU members to see. The password is kept extremly confidential.

As most of you would know, you have to be a member of the RD ASU Yahoo! club to be apart of Red Dwarf and if you have Yahoo! Messenger, fellow RD ASU members will be able to contact you. If you don't know what Yahoo! Messenger is and would like to know more, please click here.

The email address that you enter here MUST correspond with the Red Dwarf ASU identity that you are enlisting, if not your requet will be denied. If you wish to use a different email address on the roster, other than the one corresponding to your Id, email and notify command here. If you enter an invalid email address, enlistment to the RD ASU roster will be denied. Your visibility feature at the SGC MUST be turned on for your request to be granted.

After you have submitted the request, it will be reviewed by Command and will either be accepted or denied. You will recieve notification of this by email and further information about this site.

SGC NicknameEmail Address
   I do not wish to have my E-mail        address listed on the RD ASU Roster
SGC RankPassword
Physical Location Homepage URL
Yahoo! Id Reffering Member