  Planets &

Stargate Dial Home Device

Earth Monoceros Centaurus Scorpio Sculptor Bootes Vigro Pisces Scutum Sextants Sagittarius Hydra Aries Eridanus Libra Leo Minor Serpens Caput Andromeda Pegasus Taurus Norma Cancer Perseus Crater Equuleus Mic Aquarius Triangulum Cetus Leo Gemini Cra Auriga Pisces Austrinus Orion Lynx Capricorn Canis Minor
The DHD (Dial Home Device) was first encountered by Dr. Jackson in Abydos, and they are usually found close to the stargate. The DHD has 39 glyphs which corresond to the 39 glyphs on the stargate.

Once the glyphs for the destination stargate has been entered, the 'orange ball', a power source for the stargate, needs to be touched in order for each chevron on the stargate to encode and activate.

At the SGC, the DHD is replaced by 3 super computers that power the gate. They were unable to locate the DHD when the discovery of the Alpha gate was made in Giza. The Beta gate, found in Antartica, has a fully opperational DHD, which is currently being stored in the Groom Lake Facility (Area 51).